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Milí zákazníci, od října 2023 se v Česku STREPTOkill prodává pod novým názvem STkill. Změna proběhla v souladu s nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1169/2011 a kromě názvu zůstal produkt zcela beze změny. Děkujme za Vaši přízeň a buďte zdrávi.

STkill 25 ml

  1. STkill is 100% natural and it works!

  2. The earlier you begin to apply it in your throat, the earlier it helps you

    … only a day can mean a big difference, so we extend the express delivery

    … apply Streptokill as soon as possible whenever you feel "scratching in the throat"
STkill 25 ml
(14.40 € / piece)
+ 1 free

Our tip

If you have severe tonsillitis 1 package of STkill might not be enought, therefore we recommend you our offer "Buy 2 get 1 free". After you cure tonsillitis we recommend you to keep STkill still with you  so you can use it whenever you throat starts to feel sore and prevent another tonsillitis. It is also important to use STtkill soon as possible for insect bites, open wounds and treatment of other infections mentioned on

Composition - Dosage - Label STkill®,
25ml, food supplement, alc. min. 58% vol.

Has STkill helped you? Do you love it :-) ?
Send your photo for I LOVE STkill section and get one free with your next order.


Also available in chemistries

Praha, Brno, Ostrava

Jihočeský kraj, Jihomoravský kraj, Karlovarský kraj, Královehradecký kraj, Liberecký kraj, Moravskoslezský kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Pardubický kraj, Plzeňský kraj, Středočeský kraj, Ústecký kraj, Kraj Vysočina, Zlínský kraj

Note: If you find STkill not available in any of listed pharmacies please let us know. Thank you for helping us keep the list updated.